Here are some frequently asked questions about eye injuries that occur while playing sports:
What do you do to help treat an eye injury immediately?
If you are a soccer player, it is recommended that you wear sports goggles with polycarbonate shields. For wrestling, there is no eye equipment currently available. But for sports like football, and baseball you can wear a polycarbonate shield on your helmet.
What type of injury is most common to the eye during sports?
The most common injury is a corneal abrasions. This injury can be painful, but most of the time it heals without any permanent damage. But there are more serious injuries than corneal abrasion. Some of them include retinal detachment, blood in the eye, and cataract.
How many eye injuries need to be treated by surgery?
When it is from sports less than 10% require surgery. But it also depends on the sport. Squash injuries are mild, while ice hockey injuries can be more severe.
If you get temporary blindness, how long does it usually take to recover?
There is no certain answer for that. Sometimes you can get it back in hours, sometimes you can get it back in months.
Do different sports injuries occur at different ages, do children get the same injuries as adults?
Almost all sports injuries happen to people of 15 years to 25 years. some occur from 5 years old to 15 years old. Rarely is there an injury from sports for children of 5 years an below. Children get 20% of their eye injuries from baseball. Adults mostly get their eye injuries from basketball, baseball, soccer, football, and baseball. But younger children are more likely to get eye injuries like eye trauma because of their persistence to participate.